To create the perfect 24th century Earth, the Utopian Academy sends agents back throughout all time to ensure horrific events happen, no matter what the cost to those in the past. But one agent's moral dilemma threatens to destroy it all.
Run time:
Shoot Date:
Production Co:
Sci Fi Thriller
100 mins
16 – 35 female & male
Oct / Nov 2023
Price Productions
Ravenswood Films
Main Cast EOIs:
Adelaide Kane (Reign, Grey’s Anatomy, The Purge)
Key Crew EOIs:
Keli Price (Bandit, Wolf Mountain, On Thin Ice)
JD Cohen (Saint Joseph’s, Ravenswood, Final Move)
R. Zoe Judd (Saint Joseph’s, Devil’s Grove)
Nathaniel Watkins (Wyrmwood, Wolf Like Me, Mr. Inbetween)
Darren J Power (Scream 6, Transformers Rise of the Beasts)
Utopian cadet Jade Wright is sent back to the 21st century to spy on a journalist whose investigation threatens time travel itself. But when she is ordered to kill his daughter Amelia, Jade defies orders and goes on the run with her. They are pursued by time agents who can predict their every move and unable to escape their future, they are trapped.
Jade is arrested and tried for treason, but Amelia is rescued by the mysterious Resistance, a group who believe that Utopian time travel denies humanity of free will. They hide Amelia in the 14th century, but will she stay hidden?
Script Arsenal – Consider rating, top 10%
The story continues to feel like a vibrant, inventive, and engaging premise, it remains consistently entertaining throughout its duration.
WeScreenplay – Consider rating, top 10%
A wild, entertaining, inventive ride that never lets up. With intriguing world-building and plenty of intense developments, there is something always to be absorbed in. Jade is tenacious, driven, and fearless. These qualities make for an engaging protagonist.
Semi Finalist - Pitch Now Screenplay Competition
Quarter Finalist – WeScreenplay Feature Contest
Quarter Finalist - Emerging Screenwriters Screenplay Competition
Quarter Finalist – Final Draft Big Break 2021